Witness to Death
by Kim Engels
I was very young during Pol Pot time
Of which he committed a very big crime
Almost two million deaths of citizens
With many different races when it happened
Different kind of torturing and killing then
It did not matter where it took and when
I saw the Khmer Rouge tie up many of them
Even the victims did not have any problem
I cried and hid inside the hut for this crime
My mother closed my mouth and said it was their system
If they heard your crying noise you would get killed
Like the victims died without having any guilt
I saw their blood all over and I would feel
How much suffering these people had to deal
Then I stayed quiet without making any noise
And whispered to my parents with very low voice
That we all did not have any good choice
Our lives would be in danger without joy
We felt bad that one day it would be our turn
To keep our mouths shut if we did not learn
That we all did and had nothing to earn
On torturing or death would return
To the lives of the victims at any time
Like all of us used to play and spinned a dime
Even we did do or have any problem
They would accuse all of us that it was a crime
That it was time for us who were going to die
And they did not let us to scream or to cry
I remembered one time we were under the dry
And hot sun in the rice field here came the spies
Along with other Khmer Route with the horse
Beating up one man with very strong force
Then they tied up that man and they would of course
Kill him at any minute without remorse
By their horse with many strings to his ankles
With the high speed toward jungle
The horse ran faster than the fly of eagle
We all knew that he would die in the middle
Of the field and we saw his blood we closed our eyes
If they saw us like this we would die
But they had fun along the very fast right
Some laughed so loud and some stood up and smiled
We were just about to cry for their action
We thought that there was not a competition
High speed horse killed him from their solution
To really show us and make us pay attention
If anybody did like that poor man
They would do the same thing to us again
That this was the warning to us as their plan
They also would tie our eyes with a band
We were fearful for our lives that one day
We would face the same thing at the same way
Or different kind of killing everyday
It did not matter we would die anyway
In any second we were going to die
They would kill or smash us like a fly
They watched us everyday and every night
When they killed people they did not let them cry
Or scream at any circumstance and condition
That would draw the other victims attraction
They killed them with a smile without hesitation
And they did not want any interruption
Because most of them were the young fellow
About ten to early when who wanted to show
They were proud of themselves with the eyes glow
By killing people without remorse or sorrow
One morning when we went to work in the field
We saw a lot a of the Khmer Rouge stood and yielded
That we all would die like this man who was real
And they would leave our bodies in the hill
Or in the field or on the dam or anywhere
They would catch us and leave our bodies there
They would kill us if we were brave and dare
To steal anything and did not step out the stairs
Of the huts when we were off from work during the day
Or at night that we needed to stay
Even one piece of grain of rice by the way
Would be the crime and cost our lives anyway
We lived with fear of death and starvation
Either way would would die at any situation
One day during the fall season by their decision
They gathered all of us into one location
Surrounding by water that was the monastery
Which was very quiet and also empty
They wanted to kill us one by one as they pleased
We were separated from our families
They would kill the old the sick people and the children
Their last plan would be going to happen
By wiping all of us out without bargain
Because we all heard the gun shooting as a sudden
That happened quite a bit during the day
By putting us in the canoes to where we stayed
In their village before and we worked everyday
I got to see my family sometimes during the day
But I could not talk to my nephew and sister
Not only me who would have to suffer
By not talking them but also the others
Barely saw or talked to them as we would prefer
And we got back to the monastery
In the evening as you could see
We all thought this was like a jail where we were not free
After dinner we had a very long meeting
To warn all of us that did not try to flee
The other nightmare happened and what do you think
Every night during the meeting there were the killing
And torturing of anything they could bring
Or the fault accuse that we did not sit straight
Or sleepy by turning your head and did not wait
For the meeting to be over that late
Or yawning and the punishment was your fate
Along with your destiny was the combination
Of your death cruelly in addition
With anything and nonsense accusation
They brought up anything into consideration
They tied up one man and pushed him down to the water
For a very long time until he would suffer
Until the last breath before he had dinner
And they laughed very loud in a bad manner
Everybody feared that it would be their turn
Of torturing them to death as they just learned
What happening to that man they concerned
That the mind of the Khmer Rouge could for sure earned
The credit that they did the good job of killing
The more they did badly the more they would think
Suddenly they pulled another man by telling
Him to bring three big pots of water and let him drink
Poor man had to drink that they ordered him to do
Anybody thought what nightmare he went through
He had to finish and thought that he did not even had a clue
He died right away and his face turned pale to light blue
Anybody frightened and hid their thought
That what and who would be next the monster brought
That much water expanded his stomach and he fought
For his life and tried to survive as he sought
By lying down on his stomach to regurgitate
So he could stay alive and did not hesitate
Even he calmed down and tried to concentrate
Nothing happened of whatever he made
He learned this way which he had been thought
Anyway his life would end without getting shot
It did not matter whoever would get caught
Like the slaves the owner sold and others bought
These torturings did not finish until the meeting ended
Do you think what happened next can you bid
Those nonreligious monsters cheered what they did
They thought that they never ever would forfeit
To the others because Pol Pot was the best
Leader of the world they were proud of good nest
The talked to each other that they could guess
They were the best team sitting around the desk
They not only tortured and killed the innocent people
Every night but they also filled up the score puzzle
Of our death during the day without struggle
They liked to kill and torture without trouble
They marked down how many of us would be killed
They wanted to perform well and they filled
Up the marks of death so they could feel
Proud of themselves that bad things which they did were real
The victims were mostly men who wanted to escape
They planned to do this even they were not related
For the Khmer Rouge the men were the big rate
To destroy by killing them for their fate
Of the poor men who did not want to die
How could they be safe if they did not try
To escape through the water because they could not fly
If they did not do they know for sure they could not hide
Bur the vast water blocked by the high dame
From the monastery to the Thai border was the problem
The Khmer Rouge killed us according to the Pol Pot system
For whom who escaped stole run walked around and would have the same
Consequence to death wherever all of us were
We got killed for their fun by the Khmer Rouge youngsters
If they caught the escapees not far and sooner
They took them to the edge of the monastery by water
And shot these men down to the water without their gave
Those monsters screamed very loud and said who would be brave
To escape then that person would be shot like a slave
Even he tried to run and escaped into the cave
It would be his death by their consideration
Sometimes we digged our own graves by their decision
So we had to be careful and pay attention
By not yawning sighing or sitting straight from our action
Or trying to escape through thousand miles of water
Even we swimmed further we had to suffer
From crocodiles snakes creatures that they put earlier
We would die so they did not have to follow us farther
They forced us to dig a very big and deeper ground
They wanted to kill us and our bodies would fall down
Into our own grave altogether because they found
The new killing strategy without wasting that mound
There was not much land left around the monastery
This was our last lives to say bye to our families
The young monsters shot many poor men then it would be
Other ones kneeling down and getting hit on the back necks
Some other men getting cut their throats would be next
Their bodies fell into that big hole suddenly
And we knew the old and sick new people would be
Killed along with their children that they were so many
This time they wiped all of us out without conscience unless
They thought that they did good jobs and made a big progress
Our poor lives would be gone soon and they were careless
They were very happy because they made a huge success
For Pol Pot and most or all of them were uneducated
So they would kill all of us and did not feel hesitated
Because all of their plans were successfully completed
Whatever we did work with our lives they would meet
The high state of transportation and agriculture
The very big high dams done by us were all over
There was no single piece of land felt any further
All the lands were filled up with rice fields and water
So they would wipe us out and did not need us anymore
They had anything they wanted that they were looking for
But one thing was that they did not do any furthermore
To kill their own parents like one place we were before
Because their parents did not go to join them in the woods
When those Khmer Rouge came back they were angry as they should
They shot their own parents and siblings as they could
In front of the people eyes and our bodies would
Shake badly but we controlled ourselves not to move
There were nothing of what we just saw and could not do
Anything happened to those poor parents who went through
People started to dig the hold to look without a clue
Why they did and what they did to their own parents
Suddenly we heard many gun shots very constant
We saw the people who dug the hold die in just a moment
With a lot of blood and we still did not understand
We were frightened and we were very lucky
That we did not do the same thing of what we could see
And these monsters talked loudly to all the families
Not to dig holes in their places if we did not agree
We would face the same consequence from their warning
We continued our trip and started moving
I was very young and witness of what happening
Wherever we were and I saw all of these bad things
Why they wanted to kill and wiped off their own people
They hated religions which caused them a lot of trouble
They thought the religious people made them many puzzles
The killings and the torturings I would not be able
To do anything but only saving my life
And I could not scream very loud or even cry
I hope that people in the world will not face the sight
Of death like this even they would like to try
I already witnessed to death for almost four years
They haunted me even I closed my eyes I still could hear
The screaming of death ringing into my ears
I cry from the past nightmare and I still very fear
I wish that people in the world will not meet this criteria
Like this and they still live in peace but not war
I love you all like I love galaxy of moon and stars
That your lives will be bright and you live in peace so far
And you will not see witness to death like me
Of which it will haunt and frightens everybody
So please all of you will understand and will see
The peace of life will bring us all into the degree
Of happiness and the new creation of the new lives
That we are looking for hope of peace very high
For lives with longevity into the very bright
Future with good health good luck that we all try
To stay in peace forever and ever lasting
That gods will help all of us and peace will bring