America Is My New Life
By Kim Engels
America is my new life
America is my new pride
America makes me feel better
So I do not have to suffer
Do you think which one you prefer
To have living life in the war
Like the bear without fur
Or your place is too far
Even though you can see the store
But you life cannot be regular
Until you get into the heaven place
That you can see in your face
Which place that makes you safe
For me I feel and love America
Of where that my life can be replaced
And I can get close to the stars
Even you think that they are very far
And you try to drive a car
You cannot reach there anyway
But America is a bright ray
Which goes straight to your eyes
Make you wake up and you stay
Just right here and you smile
Think that your nightmare goes away
Like the children want to play
The wild animals are ready to prey
Then America comes to save
Us all from and out the grave
And we are so brave
That we came across the continents
We completely forgot about the waves
Say goodbye to the oceans
We are so very pleasant
To live and spend our lives in the continent
Of America which save our lives
So our brains are very bright
We feel like we live in the sky
Even we also feel that we can fly
And we wonder around in the heaven
Thank you to American that let us spend
Three-fourths of my life in here
My standard of living is where I stand
I think that I love no longer fear
I have no longer down to bend
That our lives here are so even
And they were better before then
During Pol Pot time we all cried
We try to stay to survive
America gave others and us to a ride
With everything into our new life
It helped all of us to a new place
Of where we are safe
Among the other people’s races
That make us smile into our faces
I lived with our brother
That included my nephew and sister
But for me that I had never
Been stayed still forever
I started to work at the spot
So I could make money off i got
To pay for the school I never forgot
Everything that I learned before
The government here did not count the slot
Of education we had anymore
All Diploma and Degrees I had for
Did not count in her furthermore
I got Degrees at my very young age
And Everything wiped off at this stage
So why that I could image
To start my education again
And got out from the old cage
That I never had to complain
New field will have new grain
I would strive to sustain
To gain Diploma and Degrees
It was the way supposed to be
I worked full time to pay the fees
For my education to get degrees
By going to school full time
It was according to the system
Full time work and school are rhymes
To be together like a poem
Which people want to do sometimes
To come out like a foam
America did not want you to roam
Around by doing nothing
America wants you to have home
Or in the apartment building
Of which you can make a living
With a good way for your life
And your family will be smiling
America wants you to have a ride
To go to the place with a pride
That you all have to try
To make a living with common sense
Off all the time you have spent
So that way you do not have to rent
Your life to anybody else
Like your family and you all in the same clan
And spend a good time you are felt
America wants us all to be melt
Into one good and peaceful nation
With the long road and rail
And combine with a good formation
Of a good life and good education
It is a good way that I think
This is a real life which is not a fiction
A common sense that you bring
You can accomplish well of anything
And feel that you want to sing
By sharing a good deed of America
Or feeling like you have a nice car
Or like you live among bright starts
Where you cannot compare with others
With their deed are so far
Off what they have to suffer
Which one you think you prefer
To live in good or bad situation
Of anything that you have never
Got a splendid life and condition
America makes you pay attention
To have a good thought and education
Government help you if they can
To lead your life with a good plan
They do not want you to leave in the van
Which lead you nowhere to go
Also like a river always flow
And the ground always has ants
American wishes you to be a good fan
That you walked and slowly ran
What a good fan you would like
So you do not have to strike
To go up to the mountain and hike
Just slowly doing if you are bright
By thinking straight what you do
You can make it what you know
Every good thing that will blow
To a good deed without sorrow
Off the highway that you know
The right one which you follow
From that it is really your shadow
Which prevents you from going below
Your right line the government expects
For you who does without respect
The law for anybody will be next
It will lead the right way to be perfect
If you follow the rule you will be trusted
By the government that will be rushed
And led all the people to the good life
When you respect the law you will be fine
It does not matter they are poor or rich
It will lead you or them to the right beach
Which is full of treasure if you reach
The good goal if you will go quick
To get the same life as anybody
And you get yourself to be free
Do you think that you agree
What government does without a fee
That what I like to be with
The highway of life with a good deed
Of which you have a right to fit
With all the people whom you reach
And continue to live with freedom
Along the highway of heaven which will come
It does not matter where you come from
And it does not matter what continent
The government got all but not some
That made you feel confident
To live good life with sentiment
From thinking of fear from the war
And you live here without argument
Like you live with the star
That all I like everything so far
We go anywhere with the car
Having a good standard of living
By not thinking of fearing or threatening
And continue to go on what I was doing
To go to school with training
To get Diploma again this country
And going on with my Degrees
I went to Technical school as you see
To get and obtain Associate Degree
By programming with different kinds of computers
Cobol, Fortran, Paster if you prefer
To read what I say further
Office Automation if I whisper
Data Entry Keypunch which is also programming
Four semesters of Business Law are in a blink
Of the eyes when you are thinking
Other hand one is Computer Accounting
A lot of other courses that I took
A bunch of everything like a hook
I continued to go on if you look
At that I went to Wichita State University
By take the certificate of Accounting Degree
I was surprised when WSU personal shook
Her head of what I took
Which did not count credit hours in the book
Even I was an “A” honor student
I felt that I dropped from the moon
I was an A+ student and no I was ruined
By considering me as a prune
But I could not do anything about it
The rule was the rule which did not fit
So I lost everything of what I did
Get Accounting Degree and now I forfeit
Therefore I started all over again
To get other Accounting Degree and to regain
As many years at WSU I sustain
That all the requirement of courses I obtain
Are not the same as at the Technical School
Then I knew that I started a new roll of spool
That what my Older brother wanted me to go to that school
It was cheaper for tuition fees than wool
I thought I agreed with is suggestion
With the amount of money in addition
And everything with this condition
That I had no more parents to pay attention
But my older sister told me
He did not want me to get degree
Before he did as I could see
He also had many Degrees
Why he would see me as his opponent
Then I knew everything about his sentiment
I was braved and tried so hard across the continent
Now I knew that I had an opponent
I was an A++ student in Cambodia
As a very young age at that area
Having a Diploma and three Degrees so clear
Also taking night courses without fear
But I let anything (everything) go
And concentrate of what I studied for
I was also an honor student at WSU or
As I would say a 4.0 GPA score
And joined the honor roll student club
To work at Red Cross as a knob
I worked with them before at this job
In Thailand with thousands of patients
One of them was Mr. Bob
It was a very loaded work and I did not intend
To stay too long but I always went there often
And helped them as much as I could
It was the same company I was silent
I would draw blood test if I should
Only on every Saturday as I would
I also worked form dawn to dusk on Saturday
I did not think that I worked with them if I could
And I was full time worker everyday
So I have to step out the honor roll club off the way
That was a pity I needed to pray
To God to forgive me that I could not help them
Because everything was out of system
The Financial Aid Office offered me the same
As a 20-hour for the student loan officer
I turned them down and it was a shame
I would like to help them if I prefer
The way I replies made me suffer
Again the other office gave me an offer
To work in the Finance and Marketing office
I turned them down and I would not be in peace
My accounting professor told me to go at least
To meet all the accountants on Saturday night
Only for A student but I was not so right
And I decided not to go and hibernated like a beast
Another offer from Accounting Department
To go the work in the office
Here again I took my risk
And turned down the offer as an offend
A full scholarship from Navy military defend
But I refused the offer and did not attend
The Navy School Academy if I prefer
Took an excuse I would think about it later
Do you think I turned them down very bitter
All of these experiences made me better
In order to work well like a clean dish
To have a good career if I missed
Because I felt bad as I wished
Of anything I would finish
But the only one thing they did not know
I was already a full time worker like water flow
Anything around me was in a row
To go to work and to school as I would follow
By a full load of homework as you could see
In order to get the second accounting Degree
When I was a 4.0 GPS student as I would be
At the Wichita State University
My adviser put me in the program of Master
Degree of Accounting if I would prefer
I agreed and would flow like a river
That the water never went back upward
So I continued to study as a follower
And I worked hard and looked forward
My Degree and promised to keep my word
At that time I almost finished Junior Year
I took Philosophy class as a gear
Then I met my husband Richard
Later on it would be for our reward
We went to Engagement Center
At Canada and we were going forward
And agreed to get married way after
We have our son Lawrence later
That was a very beautiful gift for our marriage
Of which God gave us the best carriage
And we lived happily every after
Thanks to America where we did not suffer
And led me to meet my good carrier
To have my husband and my son
By giving us the best splendid life to run
The bright stars and the sun
Because we live in the best country
In the world and we have so much fun
Where we are supposed to be
We moved from Wichita, Kansas as we are happy
To live in a very big and wonderful state
In Arlington, Texas as you can see
Because Richard continued at IRS slate
In Dallas, Texas like our fate
This state we live a high rate
Of everything and high percentage of employment
So we live here as a component
I love America then to present
That everything is sufficient
So we do not have to suffer
To live in a good life and better
I would call the Presidents as the Emperors
And also the Governors as the Kings
To make and lead the Empire as splendors
To have anything as they would bring
I am very happy and I want to sing
And bring me good life and happiness
Even anybody comes as a guest
He or she will be blessed like the angel wings
Of where this nation links
And we all stay in one best ring
Of splendid lives as a such
Wonderful place as a latch
I love America then to present
That everything is sufficient
So we do not have to suffer
To live in a good life and better
I would call the Presidents as the Emperors
And also the Governors as the Kings
To make and lead the Empire as splendors
To have anything as they would bring
I am very happy and I want to sing
And bring me good life and happiness
Even anybody comes as a guest
He or she will be blessed like the angel wings
Of where this nation links
And we all stay in one best ring
Of splendid lives as a such
Wonderful place as a latch